Steps to a successful FinOps journey

Cloud Framework

Cloud Strategy

One of the main pillars of Cloud Framework is the definition of the company's cloud strategy. Through a series of interviews with company executives, managers and the technical team, we quantify both the company's cloud strategy and its adoption.

This stage is essential because it becomes the lens through which all other strategies and implementations are seen. Cloud Computing vision and its strategy will guide the implementation of a sustainable management framework.

Cost Administration

In this pillar, we go into detail as to how we track and manage cloud costs, but we also look into the configuration and persistence of technological resources, for example, tagging to identify projects and business units, etc.

This is one of the more flexible pillars, as we also implement, if necessary, multi-cloud dashboards for a wholesome view of your expenditure, regardless of the public cloud source.

Policies and Access

During the implementation of the "Policies and Access" phase, we have three major concerns: Governance, Security and Budget Control.

In Governance, we seek to maintain a sustainable and manageable access structure with as little user customization possible.

With that, we automatically seek to mitigate security items, specially when implementing good practices in using MFA, rotations keys and role utilization. Finally, "Policies and Access" also allows us to control budgets with greater granularity.

Waste Elimination

It is estimated that around 30% of computational resources are wasted. This means that around $ (twelve billion dollars) that are annually paid by Enterprises, are not in fact utilized.

During this stage of Framework implementation, we help to eliminate computational waste. This pillar is cyclical and requires constant revision and intervention in order to keep waste at a minimal level, aiming towards 0%.


The "Automations" pillar is actually a health check of what the DevOps squads are implementing and if it coincides with the company's vision for Cloud.

When needed, our DevOps crew helps our clients in implementing automation initiatives in their environments, from Continuous Delivery and Integration or even Infrastructure as a Code, Advanced Tagging, Automated Testing, Distributed Applications Observability, among others.

Workload Optimization

Through our "autopilot" suite, we implement workload optimizations using initiatives such as Spots, Low Priority, Blocks, Savings Plans, Instance Reservation, among others.

We also develop customized ChatOps for DevOps, where we rely on smart provisioning, budget control, as well as mitigate and enhance environment security, while we bring as much savings as possible for the client.

Contracts and Licensing

Consult support in revising hired licensing.

whether it be database licensing, operational systems, users and others, we support businesses in seeking alternatives according to the applications actual needs, as well as in managing such licenses.

When needed, our DevOps crew aids clients in database and operational system migration to an open source version, with no performance risk for the application.

Lighthouse BI suite for FinOps


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