The 10 best practices in FinOps

It is not a matter of doing what you need, but of doing well what you cannot fail to do.

Much has been discussed about cost optimization in cloud computing, or FinOps, as we have already presented. However, little is observed in standardizing a framework capable of integrating compliance & Security with operations and financial management of a complex cloud environment.

Therefore, the concerns about doing the right thing is undoubtedly one of the main points that motivate the hiring of a company specialized in the subject. Performing a good benchmark with related players, related groups and communities integrated into the theme is commonly an excellent alternative to understand how this scenario develops.

We often say that when relating, you will definitely notice the differences between those who really know from those who just say they do. Surely you will be able to evaluate what they say with what they have actually done (success stories).

Analyze what worked and what didn't work as expected. Adopt the successful models and avoid the ones that failed at some point. Based on these premises, we list below a synthesis of all the “best practices” listed by our own experience, focusing on ten points, since above that it ceases to be a good practice but a practice that already becomes a burden even before it is implemented.

The ones we like the most:

1 - Validate what is in fact being used and discard everything that is not used

It seems obvious, but it is very common to find unattached virtual disks, old snapshots, relação de IP's discontinued, ativos zumbis e por aí vai. Certify that only what is available and being charged, is actually being used;

2 - Keep up to date

Much of the financial impact that a cloud environment can have is to suffer from impaired performance due to the use of versions earlier than the most current, available by cloud providers. New features are always coming up.

A good practice is to participate in the groups related to the big players and be aligned with frequent Tech Talks on the topic, thus ensuring that you are always up - to-date;

3 - Be With the proper sizing

One of the great advantages of the cloud is to be able to enjoy on-demand acquisition, allowing you to buy and return, according to your need (elasticity).

However, this may not always provide the best costs, hence the importance of being well sized, as your business demands;

4 - Take advantage of promotions

Carefully evaluate each player and understand how their business model is for acquisitions for long periods, taking advantage of discounts and promotions;

5 - Dynamic Turn on and Turn off

Understand your business. Not everything needs to be active 24×7 or operating on weekends. Evaluate the essential services and leave operating 24×7 What is really necessary;

6 - Legacy data in the right place

Cost with storage has been greatly reduced in recent years, but there are certainly good chances to optimize even more by looking at legacy data, with low or almost no access, allowing them to take up space on your active storage only if they are in fact in production and / or Dynamic use;

7 - Optimization of cloud applications

Not all applications are built for the cloud.

If this is your case, rewrite them, making them fully compatible with the best response features in processing and memory. Consider software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications that can offer better value by eliminating dedicated servers for your business, such as a dedicated email service versus a cloud service, with much more attractive pricing per account.

8 - Definition of correct provider in correct zones

Look at where you deploy your cloud. Some cloud providers offer different pricing for different regions. Some can provide a more efficient service, consuming fewer resources and allowing better performance for your need;

9 - Governance continues

Do not confuse governance with management. They're totally different things.

Governance will allow you to have guidelines based on strategic objectives that must be achieved through compliance with rules that must be followed (KPI's-Key Performance Indicators);

10 - Apply FinOps based on Cloud Framework cloud framework

Applying FinOps based on a framework in your cloud computing operation is essential, as the practice is accompanied by an integrated bus that allows broad views of the business and the operation as a whole, always considering costs versus optimized performance as a premise for analysis. Looking closely, we can conclude that best practices are directly linked to the FinOps operation model of a particular service provider. And this is what makes them different, allowing some players to be more agile and more effective than others, according to the degree of expertise of their teams. Therefore, opting for experience is always the best way, when we talk about cost reduction in cloud computing.

Pier Cloud is the first company in Brazil where its core business is exclusively focused on the delivery of DevOps services with the professional application of Cloud Financial Management (CFM), or FinOps, as we usually call it, delivering the most reliable management of our clients ' cloud computing environments, always ensuring the lowest acquisition costs and the best practices for maintaining and sustaining these environments.

Presenting real competitive advantages through strong competence in cost governance, flexibility of delivery through a hybrid model of service provision and exploiting the relationship between people as what in fact creates credibility, Pier Cloud has been operating since 2016 offering quality services to companies of expressive representation in the market, such as Natura, Unimed, Orthodontic, Quinto andar, Dr. Consulta, Mobicare among others. Through an integrated portfolio with Devops, FinOps and SRE, allied to its own management and control tools, CloudFramework, observability and AutoPilot, Pier Coud will ensure the implementation, orchestration, support and integrated management with the reduction of costs for its cloud infrastructure, ensuring a continuous code infrastructure. Come be one of our customers and learn more about how we do it!

